Yajna Philosophy is based on subtility. There are many organs in the human body in the form of subtle nerves and glands. Amongst these hormones predominate. Its juice straight enters the blood stream hence they are called endocrine glands that have no tubes to transport these hormones. The medicines offered to Yajna fire are rendered fume in nature and it reaches various organs of the body. Thus they showcase their influence on these endocrine and other glands.
The utility value and benefits of various forest medicinal herbs offered in Yajna fire has been described. How various diseases can be healed using specific forest medicinal herbs and how they increase our good health has been listed. In the present research study some forest herbs well known for their superb healing prowess have been chosen that are used in varied ways in Ayurveda and Allopath mode of therapy. Vaidyas or Ayurveda doctors use them as Kwath (apozem and decoction) and Avaleh (semi liquid medicine that can be licked or tincture). Even in Allopath mode of therapy these very herbs are used to make various pills,YAJNOPATHY IS AN ALL ROUND THERAPY AND HEALING METHOD Part 2 Articles tonics etc. Even in the therapies called Dishen and where only one medicine is administered to the patient the above herbs have proved to be very useful. In Yajna therapy by rendering these medicinal herbs gas in nature due to burning in Yajna fire, the chief aim is to render them so very subtle that all distortions/ailments faced by individuals, our environment and plants are uprooted successfully. Till today modern day chemists have been able to conduct chemical analysis on certain forest herbs. Merely on the basis of description of the usefulness and potency of these herbs given in text books cannot be accepted by a rational and discriminative intellect especially in this advanced modern science era. Hence in our Brahmavarchas Research Institute (Address: Shantikunj-Haridwar-India) we have made arrangements to chemically analyze all such herbs in the modern scientific research study context. Thus we shall truly understand the chemical designing and chemical effect along with the utility of the leaves, roots, flower, fruit etc of all these medicinal herbs known to cure various diseases.
The basis of medicines used for specific diseases as Havishya offered to Yajna fire is very much akin to therapies administered right since ancient times by doctors based on the medicine’s chemical designing. Due to the union of various chemicals various chemical reactions set in and thus varied results emerge. Useful herbs and plants are chosen for curing various diseases based on their chemical specialties. Such arrangements have also been made so as to measure what effect is seen when the same medicine is administered to the patient via the mouth (oral), nose (breathing) and direct injection into the patient’s blood stream. Via the comparative study of effects noted which path (mouth etc) from the healing standpoint is supremely successful is decided. In the preliminary phase those medicinal herbs chosen are Tulsi (basil), Sarpagandha, Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Shatavari, Somavalli, Jatamasi, Ashtavarg etc.
In a certain sense Samidha or wood used to light Yajna fire can be called Havishya (materials offered to the fire). When some special variety of wood burns in more or less measure it produces healing effects very much similar to forest herbs offered in Yajna fire. It is hence that in Havishya along with the leaves, flowers, fruits etc of trees and plants wood of various types is included. In the Yajna materials or Havishya powdered wood of trees like sandalwood, deodar, agar, tagar etc is also mixed. It has been advised by our scriptures to use wood of only certain types of trees as Samidha to light the Yajna fire. We just cannot take wood from any tree as per our whims and fancies to light Yajna fire. If you insist on doing so Yajna fire lit from such tainted wood shall produce dangerous side effects that harm our physical-mental health. While choosing Samidha to light Yajna fire focus is placed on the fact that from the standpoint of the bio chemical designing of the patient’s body which type of Samidha is best suited to heal him. Apart from Samidha of trees mentioned above other tree wood used are mango, Shami (thorny shrub), Guler (wild fig or Ficus glomerata), Pipal (fig tree or Ficus religiosa), Devdaru (pine, cheddar,fir), Ashok (Jonesia asoka), Bilva (wood apple tree (Aegle marmelos), Chitrak (type of gentian or Gentiana cherayta) etc.
Via Havishya (forest medicinal herbs-Panchang-Samidha or wood) what chemical changes are noted in the body is tested and gauged via various scientific apparatus set up in the Brahmavarchas Research Institute (Address: Shantikunj-Haridwar-India). Via the ECG or Electro Cardiogram the effect of medicinal herbs on the heart are measured. In what manner various herbs after entering the blood stream create effects on the various parts of the heart’s blood circulatory system. This is measured via the Cardioscope and ECG’s Autorecorder which gives us details about the bio electricity dwelling in the heart.